
Uploading Builds to Play Store

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All of us use some or the other application which we download from play store/ AppStore. In this blog, we have explained the process or the steps to publish these apps on the play store. Read the entire blog to understand the steps involved.

Advanced Caching With RXJS

Advanced Caching with RxJS

Caching pronounced as “cashing” is the process of storing the result of a frequently requested operation in a temporary storage area so that the future…

Things to Know about Publishing Ionic Apps!

How do you publish an ionic app for android

Getting ready to kick start your next hybrid mobile application development framework and not sure about whether to publish your progressive web apps? This blog is for you!

Submit Facebook app for review

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In order to configure your Facebook app to be successfully approved, refer to the below step-by-step guide. Additional information is also available on the Facebook developers…

How to request Twitter for email access?

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In order to retrieve a user’s Email address during the Social Authentication process, Twitter requires you to request permission. You can follow the below steps…

Instagram App Submission

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As per the recent guidelines laid out by Instagram, all the existing and new apps in Instagram would have to go through the review process…

Quick steps to create Provisioning Profile

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Steps to create Provisioning Profile for your app – Mainly there are two provisioning profile Development and Distribution.

Development Provisioning Profile:Used when…

OCUnit Framework

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For writing the Unit Test cases in Xcode we have different framework by using which you can write test cases in objective C. Please find…