27 January 2020
Stripe allows individuals and businesses to receive payments over the Internet.
Here is the steps to easily integrate Stripe Payment Gateway in ASP.NET MVC Application.
Step 1
First, Register on stripe website with that link https://dashboard.stripe.com/register
Step 2
Take “key” from https://dashboard.stripe.com/account/apikeys.
Step 3
Install Stripe library in your Project using Nu-Get Package Manager.
Step 4
Use Stripe.Infrastructure namespace in the Class where you want to implement the payment gateway.
Step 5
Set API key with below function,
Step 6
First, create an object of credit card to generate token in the project where you added stripe reference. While creating customer object we need this token.
Stripe.CreditCardOptions card = new Stripe.CreditCardOptions(); card.Name = params.CardOwnerFirstName + " " + params.CardOwnerLastName; card.Number = params.CardNumber; card.ExpYear = params.ExpirationYear; card.ExpMonth = params.ExpirationMonth; card.Cvc = params.CVV2; // set card to token object and create token Stripe.TokenCreateOptions tokenCreateOption = new Stripe.TokenCreateOptions(); tokenCreateOption .Card = card; Stripe.TokenService tokenService = new Stripe.TokenService(); Stripe.Token token= tokenService .Create(tokenCreateOption);
Step 7
Set tokenID to the customer object
//create customer object then register customer on Stripe Stripe.CustomerCreateOptions customer = new Stripe.CustomerCreateOptions(); customer.Email = params.Buyer_Email; customer.SourceToken = token.ID; var custService = new Stripe.CustomerService(); Stripe.Customer stpCustomer = custService.Create(customer);
Step 8
Create Credit card Charge Object. This object is will do the payment.
//create credit card charge object with details of charge var options = new Stripe.ChargeCreateOptions { Amount = Convert.ToInt32(params.Amount), Currency = params.CurrencyId == 1 ? "ILS" : "USD", ReceiptEmail = params.Buyer_Email, CustomerId = stripeCustomer.Id, Description = Convert.ToString(params.TransactionId), //Optional }; //and Create Method of this object is doing the payment execution. var service = new Stripe.ChargeService(); Stripe.Charge charge = service.Create(options); // This will do the Payment
Step 9
Charge.Status will return the status.
Step 10
Now you can check Created Customer from https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/customers
And Payment using this link – https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/payments