Air Hockey


The main challenge was to hit the small puck into the opposing “net” with cutout figures that represents hockey players. To design the game board having the hockey table and handle players control. To set the smooth animation of the hockey players and puck to moving them in different angles. The score to be calculated by the numbers of puck hitting into the opposing net.


Initially, we designed the game board with game table, hockey players and puck using the scene graph’s different renderable nodes. We used different scene graph animation and vector nodes to implement the smooth animation of the hockey players and puck. Implemented logic in brightscript to calculate the different angle position to move the hockey players and puck on the game board. Implemented the logic in BrightScript for calculating the number of the puck hit into the opposition’s net.


Successfully designed the game board having the hockey table with cutout figures, hockey players and puck on the game board. Completed the smooth animation for moving the hockey players in different angle and hit the puck into opposing net to make a goal. Air Hockey lovers finally found their long lost game at the Roku Channel Store. Ready to play the game –

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