Introduction To Sahi Script

04 September 2020

Sahi Scripting Basics

Sahi script is JavaScript based. The parsed sahi script by sahi is fully valid javascript executed by rhino javascript engine. The constructs used in sahi script are given below. The constructs are the same as javascript except the $ used for the variables.


Statements are normal lines of code. They end with a semicolon.



Variable Declaration: 


var $variableName = value;

All variables start with a $. The keyword var is used for local variables.



// This is a single line comment



This is a multiline comment.

This has two lines


If Statements:


if (condition) {

// statements



// Comparing normal values

if ($username == "PartnerUser"){

  _click(_link("Partner Login"));


for loops:


for (var $i=0; $i<$max; $i++){

// statements


While loops:


while (condition) {

// statements


Structuring Sahi Code

While recording gives us the low level steps to be performed on the browser, code needs to be restructured for better readability and maintainability. This section explains how to structure your code for effective but simple use of Sahi.


Functions are the basic building blocks in your automation. Functions are used to club together multiple steps into one logical action.

Functions reduce code duplication and allow easier maintenance of scripts.


function functionName($parameter1, $parameter2) {

// statements


Some Basic Data Types and Data Structures

Data Types:

Most interactions with browsers require us to validate either string or integer data. Both these can be stored in regular javascript variables.

Data Structures:

Since we work with web UIs, Sahi’s need for data structures is fairly minimal. The few that are used are:

  • Single Dimensional array:

    var $ar = ["Ram", "Sam", "Jam"];
    var $firstUser = $ar[0]; // returns "Ram"
  • Two dimensional array:

    var $ar2d = [["Ram",18], ["Sam",20], ["Jam",25]];
    var $firstRow = $ar2d[0]; // returns ["Ram",18]
    var $firstUser = $firstRow[0] // returns "Ram"
  • Associative Array:

    var $userInfo = {"name":"Ram", "age":"18"};
    var $userName = $userInfo["name"];
    var $userAge = $userInfo["age"];

Exception handling and Recovery

Try Catch:

For anticipated exceptions, one may use try catch blocks.



// sahi statements


// Corrective action

// Can print exact source of error in log

// Can throw the same or another exception


Corrective Action:



  _click(_link("does not exist"));


  _log("Exception occured"); // simple logging. no failure

  _click(_link("linkByHtml")); // Corrective action


Tudip Technologies

Tudip Technologies is a value-driven Software Services company. We deliver excellence in dedicated and business-centric web solutions incorporated with innovation and expertise as the tools to achieve business goals. Our high-quality, cost-effective, reliable, and scalable services have helped us build an enduring relationship with our clients and customers.

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