Tushar Apshankar
30 September 2017
If you search about Tudip Recruitment Process, written exam and interview questions over the net, chances are, you are going to be really confused about how do we hire and what all things we look for in a candidate. Instead of referring to those gossips, here is the official version. Let us explain, how do we go about recruitment, so that you are better informed and better prepared for Tudip Recruitment Process. And note, this post is applicable only for technical hiring (Developers, Leads, QAs). For non-engineering positions, our process is way different.
And before we begin, note the most important piece of information, Tudip does not charge any fee at any stage of the recruitment and selection process. And Tudip has not authorized any person/agency/partner to collect any fee for recruitment from candidates. If at all you notice the above please bring it to our attention immediately.
Eligibility Criterion
None actually. We do not reject people on the basis of academics and never will. Engineering is a lot more complex field. Aptitude and ability to adapt are 2 key areas that formal education completely misses out on capturing in the mark sheet. And we understand that really well. We have seen any number of people, with average academics, flourishing with us and then we have seen enough people with great academics, floundering with us big time. Do not worry on the eligibility front and simply apply to see how it goes.
How do you apply for a job at Tudip?
Well, it is fairly simple actually and there are multiple options. Here are the avenues that we have been using to reach out to top talent of India.
- Apply directly on our Recruitment Portal by visiting https://recruitment.tudip.com. You can create an account and view all the open positions and simply apply from there. You can also track your application status from this portal.
- If for some reason, you are not inclined to create another account, drop us an email at joinus@tudip.com along with your resume. This email would initiate a review of your resume and if you get shortlisted, we would create your account on our portal and send you a mail with credentials of the portal.
- Don’t they say, a friend in need is a friend indeed? If you have a friend working with us, please ask him to refer you. We have an internal mailing list that your friend can use to mail your resume to us. And yes, there is a robust referral benefits program in place, that applies for fresher as well as lateral hires. And if you do get selected, make sure you get a party from that referral bonus 🙂
- You can participate in our campus drives. In 2016-2017, we conducted huge recruitment drives in over 25 places and interviewed students from over 150 colleges, across India. We hired over 100 students from these campus drives. Just to give you an idea about the reach of our campus recruitment program, we visited Maharashtra, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamilnadu, and Karnataka. If you want us to visit your campus, drop us an email at joinus@tudip.com, and we can start researching about your university and college to see if we should visit your college.
- Off-campus drives that we conduct through some of the training institutes is another way to apply. We have done 5 off-campus drives in Pune in 2017 itself to find the talent that we are looking for.
- TechStars is our flagship technical event that we intend to conduct every alternate year. We have hired a bunch of people through this widespread event in which we ask people to code and then invite them for in-person interviews at our premises.
- And yes, we do post on Naukri, Indeed, Shine and a bunch of other social networking websites. You can apply from there as well.
And as we want to keep our recruitment process uncluttered and transparent, we do not have any tie-ups with any consultancies or recruitment agencies.
Written Exam
After you have applied, you would get an invitation email from us for a written exam, if your resume is shortlisted. We consider 3+ years experienced guys as lateral and <3 years experience guys as freshers. A written invite is sent only to the fresher level applicants. If you are at lateral level, you would be getting a direct interview invitation, if your profile is short listed.
What type of questions are there in the written exam?
Well, this is fairly basic written exam. It has questions ONLY from Basic mathematics, because basic aptitude is super important to day to day working with us.
Written Results
We usually take 3 days to communicate the written result to you. Again, the results are updated on the portal. You have to score about 65% to clear the written exam and there are sectional cut off as well.
Interview Process
Our interview process is split in 3 rounds and usually requires 2 visits, on 2 different days. Note that First or Second interview or Second or Third interviews are clubbed on the same day depending upon the availability of the interview panel members.
First Interview
This is really quick and short one. Do not be surprised by how quickly it ends. Time that you spent in the interview room is not an indication of the result. We have wrapped up this round in less than 5 minutes at times. All we check is basic aptitude and fundamentals of programming. Here are a few things that we ask and reason behind why we ask:
- Mathematics, for checking if you have logical bent of mind. Please refresh your geometry and algebra basics to shine in this.
- Physics, for checking if you can comprehend simple explanations of complex problems, so read a bit about laws of motion, Ohms law and so on
- Chemistry, to see if you remember things because development has a lot of context of the past and a good memory always helps. Find out what is hg and what is Hydrogen Peroxide and what is Benzene
- Data structure and algorithm because it still remains the basic. Find out what is the difference between Tree/graph and various sorting algorithms.
- Basic OOPs concepts, because we are intense on OOPs
- Other basics like pointers, semaphore and bit of Linux kernel
- SCM tools and Project Management tools that you have used along with functional understanding of your past projects.
And while we talk, we are constantly checking grammar and the way you are forming the sentences. Please do not worry too much about vocabulary, because we know that it is function of exposure.
Second Interview
This interview is all about coding. Simple coding problems like linked list and array manipulations are some of the key questions. We check how you structure code and how you name variable and how you make it efficient. If you are at lateral level, be prepared to explain what all design patterns you have used and how did you deploy and scale the application.
Third Interview
This interview involves a bit of coding, bit of database and a bit of algebra and geometry (again!). This interview also has a component of checking your mental strength and asking you uncomfortable questions because at some point of time, client would put you on a spot and it is important to know how you handle that.
Next steps?
If you have successfully gone through these rounds, this is how we go about next steps, depending upon the experience level and source of hiring.
Lateral Hiring
We would be requesting your salary slips and then sending you offer letters after considering your notice period. Note that requesting your salary slip does not mean that we would be sending you an offer letter.
Off Campus Freshers
You would get an offer of intent along with clearly delineated salary structure. This is an invitation for you to join our free 4 weeks long training program. In this 4 weeks program, you would be going through 20+ learning sessions, 3 exams and daily assignments. Once you clear this program, you come on company pay roll.
On Campus Freshers
If you have been selected through our on campus program, you are on our payroll from the first day. You would still go through the training program that is designed for better induction of fresher that is mentioned above.
Application Status Meaning
There had been a few questions regarding what our application status means, here is a detailed explanation of them.
- Applied: You have applied for a vacancy in our recruitment portal.
- Written: You are invited for our written exam.
- First Interview: You are invited for the first round of interview.
- Final Interview: You are invited for the final round of interview.
- Documents Requested: We have requested a few documents from you before proceeding further with your candidature.
- Documents Revived: We have received the documents that we requested.
- Selected: You are selected in our recruitment process.
- Selected and joined: You were selected in our recruitment process and you joined Tudip.
- Selected and did NOT join: You were selected in our recruitment process and you did not join Tudip.
- On Hold for Now: As explained in the Important Points below, we do not have wisdom, skill or mandate to reject you and hence, we are putting your candidature On Hold for Now. Please note that we would not be proceeding further with your application till a matching position opens up. If that happens, we would reach out to you proactively and check if you are still looking for a job and initiate further discussion about the same. Please note that we would NOT communicate this result but would update it on the portal.
Communication of Results
We follow this simple rule, No news is a bad news and this is how it works:
- We do NOT communicate the results through email and/or calls, where in no action is required from your side. For example, if you could NOT clear the written, we would NOT drop you an email.
- At the same time, we would update the results on our portals regularly and you can always check your application status from there.
- If you are selected in written or first interview, we would drop you an email as well as give you a call inviting you to our office.
Important Points
Few things that you should note:
- Keep checking the portal to stay updated about your application status. We update the statuses very frequently.
- We believe that none of us studied in our engineering, at least from the 3rd semester onwards. I know for sure that i did not study at all. At the same time, we all had something in us to get through those tough entrance exams. This is why, we have this unusual (and may i add baffling) thrust on basics plus first year of Engineering curriculum.
- Out of all the applications that we receive, we end up hiring less than 1%. To put it all in perspective, usually this is how filtering at each selection process looks like: Let’s say 180 people appeared in our written, 30 people would be shortlisted for the First Interview, Out of these 30, 5 would be selected for the Final Interview rounds and eventually we would have 1 or 2 candidates getting selected.
- Your non selection in our recruitment process is by no means a comment on your capabilities. We are sure that you are a rockstar in making but it is just that we would not be able to work with you, at this point of time. And yes, we do realize that may be we missed out an awesome engineer by not selecting you but then all of us make mistakes, right?
- We also expect you to judge us while you are going through our interview process. You should be constantly asking, do you want to work with people like us? Would you really enjoy working with us? We have intentionally got people from varied experience levels in our interview panel so that you get to know the entire spectrum of people with whom you would be working on daily basis.
- If you are not selected in the first try, feel free to apply after cooling off period of 3 months and we would be happy to take a look at your candidature again. Some of the key people with us got rejected in their first interviews and then next time they improved and have been owning big pieces in company.
- We like people who are driven, who have the desire to learn new technologies and people who love solving tricky problems. As we keep working on new age technologies, it is imperative that you have knack for technology in general.
- And please don’t be robotic and formal in your interactions. When you are in our premises, be relaxed. We want to meet real you and see if we all can work together to build an even more awesome organization.
We are looking forward to see you become part of this awesome organization. And even if that does not happen, interacting with an engineer is always a fun! 🙂 Also, we are happy to share that Tudip is recognized as Top Enterprise Software Development Companies on Software Development Company.