08 July 2021
With the use of VSTS pipeline you can generate Android builds easily. VSTS pipeline can pull code from any code version control tool. In this blog I am following git version control.
For creating a pipeline to generating builds you need a VSTS account. After login to the VSTS account you need to go into the pipeline menu option and follow below steps to generate Android build.
- Click on New Pipeline button and it will ask to choose code version control as below image.
- I am going with the Azure Repos Git. Click on the Azure Repos Git option.
- After this you need to choose repo and configure the repo.
- After this step you need to configure the pipeline.
- VSTS provides plenty of options to configure the pipeline for all types of applications.
- I choose Android to generate builds for Android.
- After choosing an android template you have to do some configuration.
- Update the template as per your requirement.
- workingDirectory: $(system.defaultWorkingDirectory)/AndroidApps/MyApp ($(system.defaultWorkingDirectory)) it is to fetch the default working directory.
- gradleWrapperFile: $(system.defaultWorkingDirectory)/AndroidApps/MyApp/gradlew
- After these steps you need to add gradle tasks as below code snippet.
- Now the last step to upload the build in the artifact as below code snippet
This whole process will pull the code from the repository and generate the build.