InApp Localization in Roku

InApp Localization in Roku

Language localization is the process of translating an application to a specific country or regional language. So it must help people to understand things with their language.

Alternatives for Common Anti-Patterns

Alternatives for Common Anti-Patterns

Anti- Patterns are nothing but a poor solution to a recurring design problem and generally occur when developers unknowingly introduce them while designing and implementing the features of the product.

Implement CRUD APIs using Typescript and Node JS

Implement CRUD APIs using Typescript and Node JS

If you want to create CRUD APIs using typescript and node js. You are at the right place. Here you will learn to write APIs from scratch. Typescript is a superset of javascript and it supports static typing.

Quantum supremacy (sycamore processor)

Quantum supremacy (sycamore processor)

A powerful machine is called a supercomputer via its speed and memory. Generally, quantum computers work based on small modules like atoms and molecules.

Redux in React

Redux in React

What is React Redux? Redux is an open-source JavaScript library, used for managing the appliance state. It helps components to manage the state in an efficient way.

Data migration in PostgreSQL

Data migration in postresql

Database data Migrations from a lower version of Django to a higher version of Django in postgresQL. Get more insights about how to migrate database in Postresql

Hardware as a Service Using Blockchain And IoT

Hardware as a Service Using Blockchain And IoT

Hardware as a Service (HaaS) is a service-providing model for hardware that is defined Separately in managed services and grid computing contexts. In managed services, HaaS is very close to licensing.