How to use chart.js in Angular

How to use chart.js in Angular

What is chart.js: Chart.js is an open-source library that permits us to draw various kinds of diagrams like Line, Bar, and Radar utilizing the Canvas Element.

Terraform in GCP

Terraform in GCP

Terraform created by Hashicorp is a configuration orchestration tool as well as an open-source software tool. Hashicorp’s terraform has a market share of 4.82 percent in the configuration management market.

Top 10 Amazing Futuristic Technology

Top 10 Amazing Futuristic Technology

We live in an ever-changing world, especially in the tech industry. As a society, we radically changed our modes of communication, work, driving, and shopping during the last decade.

Top 5 No-Code Machine Learning Tools

Top 5 No-Code Machine Learning Tools

When there is less code required, machine learning becomes more available to businesses and consumers. Until recently, you had to be a software engineer or a computer programmer to truly understand the theory of teachable machines.