Top 7 Java Technology Trends For 2021

Gen Z and the Gen alphas think Java is older than stones, and we also feel the same about Java. Java was introduced by Sun Microsystems (which is now occupied by oracle).
Google Stackdriver: Introduction and Features

Stackdriver is a monitoring service offered by Google, Used to monitor the performance of the availability of the application, data, and virtual machines (VMs) running on Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Service public cloud.
JWT authentication

What is JWT authentication? JSON Web Token (JWT) is an authentication mechanism that acts as a claim between server and client to exchange information.
Dynamic Application Security Testing

DAST (dynamic application security testing) is a form of black-box security testing in which an application is attacked from the outside. When a program is running, It is executed when a program is in operation.
Create the Dropdown list in Excel using NPOI in C#

This blog demonstrates how to Create the Dropdown list in Excel using NPOI in C#. Dropdown in Excel is the part of Data Validation in Excel. Read more
Major Steps to perform for Security Testing and its need for web application

The software industry has a huge presence in almost every industry. Most companies use IT solutions and web-based systems to manage and maintain their business.
Scrum Sprint planning and Kanban

What is Sprint Planning? Sprint Planning indicates the amount of work that is to be done in the particular sprint before the release. Sprint planning is done by the Scrum team.
Pros and Cons of Cloud-Based Software Testing

Businesses around the world are moving their operations to the cloud today. Software testing companies are no exception as they are leveraging cloud-based software testing solutions.
Complete Guide on Getting Started With White Label Mobile App Marketing

Are you sneaking on the significance of white-label mobile app advertising? Do you wish to know about its importance in pharmaceutical companies?
Threads in Roku Application

In Roku Scenegraph, the thread is the sequential process that does some particular tasks. Roku scenegraph supports multiple threading also for doing multiple operations or tasks.