
InApp Localization in Roku

InApp Localization in Roku

Language localization is the process of translating an application to a specific country or regional language. So it must help people to understand things with their language.

Threads in Roku Application

Threads in Roku Application

In Roku Scenegraph, the thread is the sequential process that does some particular tasks. Roku scenegraph supports multiple threading also for doing multiple operations or tasks.

Developing Screensavers with SceneGraph in Roku


Roku is not limited to only application development and games development. It also allows us to create or develop custom screensaver for it. It’s just as easy as other developments on roku and that’s the reason roku channel store is growing exponentially. This blog will be helpful for all the budding developers who are going to start their journey with roku development.

How to implement an In-App purchase in Roku Channels?


These days most of the Roku channels provide In-app Purchases for their users. In-app Purchases are basically the products that are shown to the users when the channel is running and they can buy/subscribe to the products accordingly. This article will help you to navigate through the 8 simple steps required for the implementation of in-app purchases.

How to test streaming apps on Roku TV?

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Testing Roku channels are fun in their own way, either it is a streaming channel or a game channel. This blog will be useful for all the budding and growing testers who are willing to dive into testing this super awesome streaming device.

How to Implement Deep Linking in Roku Channel?

Deep Linking in Roku Channel

Deep Linking in Roku Channel is mainly used for launching the public channel, performing the universal search and for directly opening to a specific part of the video that is in a public channel.

How to Update an Existing Roku Application?

Roku Application

There is a constant need for applications to be updated from time to time. In case you have made a few updates or changes to your Roku application or channel and you want to deploy these changes in your existing application on Roku Channel Store, you need…

Reach a Valuable Audience with Roku Ads Targeting!

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Marketing communication has become more robust and efficient through Roku channels. Advertising campaigns through Roku channels utilize diverse media channels over a particular time frame and target identified audiences…

Roku App Development: Common Problems & Debugging

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With our intense Roku application development, we captured all the common problems and their solutions. Here is a quick list that you can refer as a starting point, if you run into an issue. First, you should learn how to debug a Roku application to begin with.