Build a Mini Netflix with React

Build a Mini Netflix with React

What is React? React is a JavaScript library created by Facebook for building fast and interactive user interfaces for efficient user interfaces and single-page applications.

Using Context API in react app

Using Context API in react app

What is a context API? The Context API is a structural component that enables React to handle states at all stages of your application. Read more

Localisation using react-intl

Localisation using react-intl

React-Intl, part of the FormatJS set of libraries used for Internationalization. Internationalization is the mechanism used for localization for the visitor belonging to different regions and languages.

Reduce App size for Android in React native

Reduce App size for Android in React native

In today’s world, user’s like to have apps, which are not too large, particularly where devices work on pay by byte usage plans. Learn the techniques to Reduce App size for Android in React native.

How to add localisation and translate your React app


Localization refers to customizing the look and feel of your Mobile or Web App for users of different regions and dialects. Also, you may have come across the word internationalization while referring to the internet for localization-related stuff.

Understanding Incremental DOM and Virtual DOM


Virtual DOM was first used by React, which is defined by the key idea, Each component creates a new virtual DOM tree every time it gets rerendered. React compares the new virtual DOM tree with the old one and then applies a series of changes to the browser DOM to match the new virtual DOM tree. Read the blog to know more about it.

React-Native Anti-Patterns


While developing any application, there are some do’s and don’ts that we need to follow. Anti-patterns are the patterns which degrade the performance of the solution. It is possible that unknowingly we might implement the anti-patterns in our code. In React-native, there are few anti-patterns that are listed in this blog. Know more by reading it.