
What is Docker?

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Docker is the operating system level virtualization. It is a tool that reduces the complexity of the communication that required between teams of people while deploying software in the production.

Let’s Git Started . . .

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What is Git and why we are using it? Git is a Version control system, specifically a version control system for tracking changes in computer files (mainly in project directory).

MongoDB Sharding, Replication and Clusters

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MongoDB is the next-generation database that lets you do things you could never do before. It is a leading non-relational database management system and a prominent member of the NoSQL movement.

How to Do Video Compression & Windows AV Editing?

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There are a lot of areas, where we need to the fastest way to perform video editing. At Tudip, our Test Engineering division usually creates a movie of issues they find in applications. These movies are then uploaded to issue reporting system like Jira and other.

Web, Mobile and API Development Guide

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What are various Web, Mobile and API end technologies and how do they work in tandem? Tudip’s Web, Mobile and API Development Guide is a good starting point

Automation Testing and Selenium

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Automation is important and Automation Testing and Selenium pretty much go hand in hand. Here is how you get started with Selenium for simple automation.

Install and Configure Karma Test Runner

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Karma is the most popular test runner but how do you Install and configure Karma test runner? This article explains Karma configuration and basic settings.

RESTful with Jersey

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REST stands for Representational State Transfer. It’s a key idiom that embraces a stateless client-server architecture in which the web services are viewed as resources and can be identified by their URLs…