Gitlab Installation on Ubuntu (14.04, 16.04, 18.04 Version)

GitLab is the Web UI or an interface for Git. Gitlab has two versions: Community Edition and Enterprise Edition. GitLab Community Edition is an open source having an MIT Expat license and GitLab Enterprise Edition is built on the…
How to Do Load Testing Using Selenium & JMeter?

JMeter is an effective tool for load testing. Get here a step by step guide for How to do load testing using JMeter and Selenium Webdriver tool.
HIPAA Compliance in AWS

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is legislation that is designed for US workers to retain health insurance coverage when they change or lose their jobs.
Introduction of Kubernetes on Google Cloud

Kubernetes is originally designed by Google and donated to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation(CNCF), written in Go language. It is a container management tool, which manages container deployment, container auto-scaling, and…
Easy steps to install SSL certificate

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer and it is a standard protocol for establishing the encrypted form of links between the server and user’s browser in an online communication channel. An SSL certificate is a digital certificate which used to authenticates the identity of your website with a unique cryptographic key.
DevOps Basic Terminologies: SSH | Linux commands

What is SSH: SSH allows you to access the remote system securely. You can access the remote system in two ways, first one is using a password and the second one is using a private and public key.

Heroku is a cloud platform as a service (PaaS) that is used for the deployment of the web application and RESTful API application. Read here!
AWS Key Management

Why AWS key Management? As you know we can create multiple EC2 (AMI) in VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) and create load balancer to route the traffic. There is an application installed on EC2 from where we can create a multiple AMI under VPC and using load balancer we can distribute or route the traffic on the instances.
Web Caching and Cache Busting

“Caching” is a concept of storing frequently used data to a give quick access locations so that requesting of the data will happen faster. There are various types of caches like CPU cache, GPU cache, disc cache, and browser cache, etc. Content caching is one of the most powerful ways to improvise the user experience.
POST large JSON Data without cURL call in Node.js

Curl is used to transfer data to a server and also for to get data from the server, using one of the supported protocols (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP). With cURL we can do things likes proxy support, user authentication…