Linear Regression in Machine Learning

Machine learning is one of the important applications of Artificial Intelligence/AI that provides systems the capability to automatically learn new things and improve from their own experience
How Will Artificial Intelligence Bring Revolution in 2021?

Artificial intelligence that was once only associated with business now has become an inseparable part of people’s everyday lives. Read more about it here.
Salesforce Lightning: Career and Certifications

It is a component-based framework and by the help of this we can develop applications from (basically Salesforce is a cloud-based company and it provides CRM
Edge Computing: The future of computing and next-generation connectivity

In cloud computing, we deal with the activities like data management, data storing and data retrieving from any other device just by using a virtual network or internet.
Building a Microservices Ecosystem with Kafka Streams and KSQL

Kafka Streams is a library for streaming applications that transform input Kafka topics into output Kafka topics (calls to external services or updates to databases).
C# MicroService

What is a Microservice? A Microservice is a unit component of a system. It is built by connecting the components that can communicate using the APIs.
Angular: One-way and Two-way data binding with example

What is Data binding? Data binding defines communication between component and view. There are two types of Data binding that exist in Angular: One-way and Two-way data binding.
5 UI Animation Trends To Look Out For In 2021

With UI becoming more and more innovative, it’s inevitable that animation eventually became an integral element of user interface design. Read more to explore more about the UI trends.
Clevertap Integration in React Native

CleverTap is a platform for customer retention that offers app integration features and also provides analytics and marketing. Read more here
Why It Makes Sense to Design Simple Websites

Every website has a purpose, and at the root of it, that purpose is to provide an excellent user experience. That demands that sites interact with their users in the most effective way, maximizing each interaction to motivate the user toward the end goal.