5 Ways Fintech Is Helping Small Businesses

Technology has been playing an important role in innovating small business solutions. One of the ways to maximize its use is through financial technology or fintech that can enhance resource utilization.
AppSheet Automation: Learn to build no-code Application

AppSheet Automation allows line-of-business employees to write apps without knowing how to write code. Read more about AppSheet Automation
Simplify Rails Application With JSONAPI-Resources

JSONAPI::Resources is a gem or a framework that helps us design the server that works with JSON-API and resources. It requires attributes and relationships to work the servers and APIs.
Payment testing on Stripe

In the project, payment is the most important factor for a client. They want their payment to always be successful and bring them right from the customer to the organization.
Vue Custom Element

Vue custom element is a simple component/widget created with the help of vue.js and that can be imported to any of the frameworks one is using, as a simple custom HTML tag.
How to Choose The Right Software Development Vendor To Prevent Software Vulnerabilities

Last March 2020, a massive cyberattack compromised government agencies in the US and large corporations such as Microsoft and SolarWinds.
How to Harness the Most Cybersecurity Power You Can (with a Remote Team)

If you, like many small business owners, transitioned your workforce to a remote platform in 2020, you’ve likely already battled some cybersecurity snafus.
Introduction to messaging queue – RabbitMQ

Back in time to the days of monolithic architecture. Back then application components were tightly coupled. That means they were directly connected. Read more.
3 Must-Follow Design Principles for a Better User Experience (UX)

One broad question that hounds almost all designers everywhere — ‘What is the perfect designing strategy to develop a user-friendly platform?’. Read more
Why Should Small Businesses Localize Their Websites Properly?

If you are the owner of an international business or plan to open your business abroad, you might want to attract more customers onto your website to generate bigger sales.