Google Stackdriver: Introduction and Features

Stackdriver is a monitoring service offered by Google, Used to monitor the performance of the availability of the application, data, and virtual machines (VMs) running on Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Service public cloud.
JWT authentication

What is JWT authentication? JSON Web Token (JWT) is an authentication mechanism that acts as a claim between server and client to exchange information.
Scrum Sprint planning and Kanban

What is Sprint Planning? Sprint Planning indicates the amount of work that is to be done in the particular sprint before the release. Sprint planning is done by the Scrum team.
How to configure a cron job in WordPress?

A cron job is used to schedule tasks at periodic fixed times, dates, or intervals. It generally involves repetitive tasks that are automated to save time.
Closures and their importance in Javascript

What are Closures? Functions along with a reference to its lexical environment bundled together are known as closures. Learn more about the closures and their importance.
Big Data Processing with Apache Beam

In this world, daily every minute, every second, lots of data is generated from a variety of data sources. So, it is very tedious to extract and process information from it.
7 Reasons to Love Working With Web Content Management Systems (WCMS)

The first encounters of software engineers with Web Content Management Systems (WCMS) generally happen very early, even during their studies.
7 UX Tips For Your Next Website Redesign

The success of a website is determined by how easily visitors can navigate pages. It is measured by the functionality, scalability, and accessibility of different features.
User Experience Design Process

What is User Experience Design? UX Design is the process to improve user satisfaction with the product by improving the usability, accessibility, interaction with the product.
What is a structure in terms of UX Design

What is Structure? A structure may be a meeting and organization of interrelated elements during a cloth object or system. Read more