Ionic Framework

Ionic Framework

Ionic is freely available, open-source, and is a front-end SDK framework that enables us to build mobile-based applications for iOS, Windows, and Android phones using the same codebase.

Data migration in PostgreSQL

Data migration in postresql

Database data Migrations from a lower version of Django to a higher version of Django in postgresQL. Get more insights about how to migrate database in Postresql

How to add submenu items programmatically in WordPress?

How to add submenu items programmatically in WordPress

Appending an item to the existing menu can be done using the wp_nav_menu_objects hook. The submenu can be created using the current menu structure. In the submenu code snippet, we need to add the specific ID to become the child of the specific menu.

Hardware as a Service Using Blockchain And IoT

Hardware as a Service Using Blockchain And IoT

Hardware as a Service (HaaS) is a service-providing model for hardware that is defined Separately in managed services and grid computing contexts. In managed services, HaaS is very close to licensing.

AI and The Future of eCommerce Web Development

AI and The Future of eCommerce Web Development

Over the last few years, eCommerce has reached new heights. During the pandemic, eCommerce transactions soared drastically. According to Statista, online transactions crossed 4.28 trillion US dollars in 2020.

Structure a Large Scale Vue.js Application

Structure a Large Scale Vue.js Application

As an honest framework, vue.js features a very small learning curve and is straightforward to configure. Learn more about the structure of a large-scale Vue.js Application.