Google Cloud Function

The cloud function is a google cloud service that helps us to connect to the different services and the application of the google cloud. Read more about Google Cloud function.
Cloud Logging on Kubernetes Engine

Cloud Logging:- Cloud Logging provides a UI for viewing log events. It stores logs across all Google products and provides you with search, monitoring, and alerting capabilities.
Pros and Cons of Cloud-Based Software Testing

Businesses around the world are moving their operations to the cloud today. Software testing companies are no exception as they are leveraging cloud-based software testing solutions.
Effect of going serverless on Cloud computing technology

Technology is all about finding the light at the end of thousands of tunnels. The position of the light changes constantly as we find it, so enthusiasts have to keep looking for it.
Rails N+1 Query Problem and its Solution

To understand the problem let’s create one project having Author and Book as models. Get to know more about the Rails N+1 Query problem in detail.
Utilizing regular expressions in Bigquery

What is a regular expression? A regular expression is reduced as regex or regexp. It is a sequence of characters that specifies a search method (they are patterns in regex).
What is CloudOps?

Cloud operations (CloudOps) is the best practice of managing the performance and availability of cloud service to have maximum ROI such as maintaining the service, security, and other benefits.
Cloud Computing: Its direct and indirect impact on the planet

What is cloud computing? Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computing services such as storage, firewalls, Kubernetes, etc.
Cloud Computing: Why businesses are moving towards it

According to other experts, moving to the cloud can provide companies with a range of benefits including lower IT costs, flexibility, efficiency, security, performance, and the potential for innovation and developing new capabilities.
How to Use Proxies to Accelerate Cloud Applications

It’s more important than ever to improve web application speed. The proportion of economic activity conducted online is increasing. Read more