Basic Concepts of Networking in Google Cloud Platform

Virtual Private Cloud Network or simply network is a virtual version of a physical network. In Google Cloud Networking, networks provide data connections into and out of cloud resources – mostly Compute Engine instances. Securing the Networks is critical to securing the data and controlling access to the resources.
Building an Application with Google Cloud App Engine!

Google App Engine is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) product that provides access to Google’s scalable hosting. It builds and deploys an application on a fully managed serverless application platform.
What Is the Future of Cloud Computing in 2019?

Good technologies solve many problems and make our life easy. Great technologies deliver new ways to think about ourselves and the future.
How to Run a Big Data Text Processing Pipeline in Cloud Dataflow?

Dataflow is a unified programming model and a managed service for developing and executing a wide range of data processing patterns including ETL, and continuous computation.
What is Virtual Data Center in Google Cloud Platform (GCP)?

Virtual data centers are a pool of cloud infrastructure resources specifically designed for enterprise business needs – a virtual representation of a physical data center, complete with servers, storage clusters and lots of networking components, all of which reside in virtual space being hosted by one or more actual data centers.
Steps to Add Multiple SSL Certificates on Single AWS ELB

AWS support multiple TLS/SSL certificates on ALB using Server Name Indication (SNI). Read basic steps to add multiple SSL certificates on single AWS ELB.
Steps to Configure Redash on AWS Server (EC2 Instance)

Redash is probably the hottest open source BI tool which is fast emerging as an alternative to Tableau and PowerBI. It provides out-of-the-box connectors that work for most commonly used data source. Here is what all it supports right now. You might want to check new connectors while the super awesome 200+
Tudip: Top Cloud Computing Companies at Good Firms

Tudip Technologies proves itself in the GoodFirms research criteria and arrives on the list of the world’s best cloud computing companies.
AWS Questions and Answers

Here, You will find the most important AWS questions and answers explained in detail. An AWS Region represents a geographical location with a collection of availability zones mapped to the physical data centers in that region.
AWS pricing and Cost Optimization: Basic Guide

Amazon Web Services (AWS) helps us to move faster, reduce costs through a broad set of global compute, storage, database, analytics, application, and deployment services. One of the main benefits of AW services is the ability it gives us to optimize…