Fusion of AI and Cloud Computing

Before diving into the topic of AI and Cloud Computing, let’s have a brief overview of what they are actually in today’s corporate world…
Go and the Google Cloud Platform Integration

Go is a statically typed, compiled programming language designed at Google by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson…
Cloud Natural Language API

As all of you know Google APIs are used for communication with Google services. In a single word we can say if you want to use Google services…
Cloud Vision API and Its Use Cases

The API which is used for performing tasks related to computer vision like we can derive any useful information from an image but how a computer detects it from an image with absolute ease is the vision API…
Cloud VPC Firewall Management With Service Accounts

Google Cloud Platform firewall rules lets us allow or deny traffic to and from your virtual machine instances based on a configuration you specify…
Automatically Scan Cloud Storage Buckets For Sensitive Data

Google Cloud Storage is object storage designed to store large, unstructured data sets and to access your data on Google’s infrastructure…
What is Deployment Manager?

Deployment Manager is an infrastructure deployment service that automates the creation and management of Google Cloud Platform resources for you…
How to use Google cloud shell?

Google Cloud Shell provides you with command-line access to computing resources hosted on the Google Cloud Platform. Cloud Shell makes it easy for you to manage all the Cloud Platform Console projects and resources without having to…
Push Notifications to Mobile Platforms using Amazon SNS

Push Notifications are the alert messages that can be sent by the app publishers to the app user even when they are not actively using an app. AWS SNS (Simple Notification Service) is a web service that manages the delivery or sending of notifications to subscribing endpoints.
What is Serverless Computing?

Serverless computing is used to write and deploy the code. We don’t need to manage the underlying infrastructure. It increases developer productivity because the developer has to focus on building great applications and abstracting away the rest.