C# 9 Static Anonymous Function

C# 9 Static Anonymous Function

A very important improvement in C# 9 which allows a ‘static’ modifier on lambdas and anonymous methods, which disallows capture of locals or instance state from containing scopes.

C# MicroService

C# MicroService

What is a Microservice? A Microservice is a unit component of a system. It is built by connecting the components that can communicate using the APIs.

SOLID Principles

S.O.L.I.D. Principles

In this article, we’ll learn SRP and why it’s important, and what all issues you’ll face in the long run if you don’t follow SRP.

C# 8.0 new features


C# 8.0 is Microsoft’s seventh major update to the flagship programming language. It gives unusual flexibility and breadth to the C# as a language. At one end, it offers abstractions of high-level such as asynchronous continuations and query expressions, whereas at the other end, through constructs such as custom value types and optional pointers it allows low-level efficiency.

Blazor Web Framework in C#


Blazor is a new technology developed by Microsoft. If you are familiar with client-side technologies, think of it as C# on the client-side. Instead of using JavaScript on the front-end to power up your web applications now, we can use Blazor on the front end. Read the blog and know more about it.

Delegates and Events in C#


Read our blog and know What is Delegate, What are events, Why to use Delegate and Events in C# and what are events without delegates. Read our blog and get an answer to all your questions.

How to integrate eWAY payment in a .Net project ?


eWAY seamlessly integrates with hundreds of leading eCommerce shopping cart platforms and a network of custom integration development partners providing a competitive advantage for any business that wants to grow through accepting digital payments. Read our entire blog to know how to integrate a secure payment in a .Net Project

Dependency Injection in C#

A lot of developers get confused when they hear the term, Dependency Injection. This heavy word brings confusion about its purpose, its usage and its procedures. To understand the term Dependency Injection and the ways of implementing it, read our blog now.