JavaScript Dashboards, Gauges, and Sparklines Demystified

JSCharting Dashboards

The first thing that may come to your mind will be what you usually see in your vehicle just above the steering. However, that isn’t the type of dashboard being referred to here. We are referring to dashboards used by different…

Integration of Power BI with VSTS

Integration of PowerBI with VSTS

PowerBI is a Microsoft based business analytics tool which is used to reflect the data into the form of graphical representation such as live dashboards and reports…

Deep Dive into the Latest Syncfusion Dashboard Platform

Syncfusion Dashboard Platform

The Syncfusion Dashboard Platform is the best tool for creating an interactive business dashboard and which can be managed and shared very easily. With the help of Syncfusion Dashboard Platform, we can transform the data into visualization in minutes and make better business decisions quickly…

How to Install Splunk Enterprise on Ubuntu 16.04/18.04?

Splunk is a software platform which searches, analyzes and visualizes the machine-generated data which make up your IT infrastructure and business. Machine data is the data which is generated by machines like CPU, IoT devices, websites,

Steps to Configure Redash on AWS Server (EC2 Instance)

Redash setup

Redash is probably the hottest open source BI tool which is fast emerging as an alternative to Tableau and PowerBI. It provides out-of-the-box connectors that work for most commonly used data source. Here is what all it supports right now. You might want to check new connectors while the super awesome 200+