What are the real difficulties while testing EDI based applications?


EDI is nothing but the computer to computer swapping of business documents in the electronic format in between the partners without any need of human involvement. EDI allows you to swap multiple documents like purchase orders, invoices and many more.Read the blog to know more.

A Quick-Start With Rails


Rails is a framework built on the top of the ruby language. Rails is a web application framework and not just any framework it is one of the most powerful frameworks present in the web application world. Not going into history, but we will start with rails in this blog.

Deploying Applications with Docker Compose


Docker compose is a tool which is used to deploy and manage multi-container applications on Docker nodes operating in single-engine nodes.Deploying and managing lots of services is a tough task. This is the situation where Docker Compose reduces the stress, it will deploy and manage the different services. Read the blog to know more

Introduction to Stackdriver APM and its functioning


In March 2018, Google introduced a suite of tools called Stackdriver APM, for developers to make applications faster and reliable. These tools are very powerful and can be used in applications running anywhere on on-premises infrastructure, GCP, AWS or a hybrid of both. Read the blog to know more.

How to Verify iTunes, Android and Amazon Subscription Status from Backend Server?


When your application has in-app purchase subscription, either auto-renewal or not, you might need to check the subscription status whether still active or it has expired. To check if the user still has a valid subscription when their subscription period is about to end, you will need to do re-validation on the purchase token. Read the blog to know about its process.

Blockchain Application Testing


Blockchain is a technology in which a series of unchangeable records of data is available which is shared across a network of computers. The record is very difficult to change after it has been added to the chain. Read the blog to know more about what kind of testing can be done with Blockchain applications

How to implement an In-App purchase in Roku Channels?


These days most of the Roku channels provide In-app Purchases for their users. In-app Purchases are basically the products that are shown to the users when the channel is running and they can buy/subscribe to the products accordingly. This article will help you to navigate through the 8 simple steps required for the implementation of in-app purchases.

React Native Static type Checking Code


We usually write our code and we create a Merge Request to get our code reviewed but there should be a way to validate the code at compile type instead of run time. Static type checking allows you to catch errors quickly which indirectly reduces bugs and time spent on debugging. Read the blog and know more about it.

State Transition Testing and its Cases


State Transition testing is a black box software testing technique in which the Changes in input conditions cause state changes in the Application under Test (AUT). Read our blog and know more about it.