Managing Builds and HTML files for Different Environment in Angular

Managing Builds and HTML files for Different Environment in Angular

In my last projects, we always had the same requirement: Build the application once and deploy the same build fragment to multiple environments. This leads to some technical challenges, as we need to inject environment-specific information into our application during runtime.

Understanding Incremental DOM and Virtual DOM


Virtual DOM was first used by React, which is defined by the key idea, Each component creates a new virtual DOM tree every time it gets rerendered. React compares the new virtual DOM tree with the old one and then applies a series of changes to the browser DOM to match the new virtual DOM tree. Read the blog to know more about it.

How to manage state in angular using NgRx?


NgRx is an angular framework to build reactive applications built on top of rxjs. It gives state management to create applications that can be explicitly maintained. So basically it will maintain the data or the state in store and from that via service or directly we can access it in our component. Read the blog to know more.

Ivy: New Angular Compiler


Angular Ivy is the code used for Angular’s next-generation compilation and rendering pipeline. With the version 9 release of Angular, the new compiler and their runtime instructions are used by default instead of the older compiler and runtime, known as View Engine. Read the blog and know more about it.

Create NativeScript App with Angular

Angular has been around for a few years and, it has been useful when creating many different categories of applications, including web and mobile applications. Check out how to use Angular CLI to build a web and mobile compatible application with the NativeScript schematics.

How to Use Kendo UI for Angular


Kendo UI is an open-source framework for building modern web and mobile apps with HTML5 and JavaScript. It provides themes that can be used to style an Angular application. To add Kendo in the Angular application, we have listed some easy steps in our blog. Read and understand those steps now.

Advanced Caching With RXJS

Advanced Caching with RxJS

Caching pronounced as “cashing” is the process of storing the result of a frequently requested operation in a temporary storage area so that the future…