What is ExoPlayer and Which is the best player for live streaming in Android?


It is common to play music and videos in live streaming in Android Apps. There are so many available options to do that are open source. Therefore it is difficult to choose one of them which is best for our requirements. Read the blog and know more about ExoPlayer and which is the best player for live streaming in Android?

Getting Started with Flutter – A Cross-Platform App Development Framework


Flutter is a framework to develop cross-platform applications from a single code base for both android and ios Apps. The application is written in Dart, developed and maintained by Google and exported to the desired platform.Read the blog and learn what is Flutter and why you should learn it in 2020

How to automate mobile builds in Unity 3D?


We can run Unity on both macOS and Windows from the command line, learn how to launch Unity from the command line? and how to create a Build Pipeline? And Finally, how to execute the Build Pipeline?. Read the blog to know more about how to automate mobile builds in Unity 3D?

Introduction to Custom Rendering in Xamarin Forms


Sometimes while developing an application, customization of styling and appearance of the controls is required and in Xamarin Forms this can be achieved using the Custom Rendering. In this blog, we have demonstrated how to customize the appearance of the Image control and display the images in circle shape while the default shape of the Image control in Xamarin Forms is rectangle.

Make Informed decisions using Google Analytics


Google Analytics is a very powerful tool that helps in measuring, collecting, analyzing and reporting data collected from websites that helps you make informed decisions. It can be very helpful in shaping the prosperity of your business goals. It helps in understanding the users’ behavior while they are interacting with your website. Read our blog to get insight into the users and their behaviors

iBeacons scanning in Android


iBeacons are invented by Apple and it is the first beacon protocol. It works in both ios and Android. Unlike ios, there is no Native support in Android. Since there is no Native implementation we need to integrate either the existing Library or create code that parses BLE packets to find the iBeacons.

5 Steps to Test Push Notification in the Simulator


In this blog, we have explained how Simulator supports simulating remote push notifications, including background content fetch notifications. Read our blog to understand why do you need to test Push Notification in simulator and Requirements to test the push notifications on the simulator with 5 easy steps.

Espresso Idling Resources

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When we are handling the application we need to wait for the application response and animations. In our blog, we have explained the term Espresso Idling Resources with the reasoning of how, why and where do we use this is explained in detail.

Fitbit Device Integration with Mobile and Web applications


Fitbit is a wearable device that tracks daily activities, steps, calories burned, sleep, etc. These are wearable devices like watches. In this blog, we will look into the integration of the Fitbit device into your mobile and web application and how will we use web APIs for accessing data from Fitbit activity trackers.

Uploading Builds to Play Store

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All of us use some or the other application which we download from play store/ AppStore. In this blog, we have explained the process or the steps to publish these apps on the play store. Read the entire blog to understand the steps involved.