24 September 2021
Why Java 8 ?
- Most popular and widely accepted language in the world.
- Java wanted to introduce features such as:
- Lambdas
- Streams
- Optional and etc.,
- Technological advancements with the mobile/laptops/systems.
- Java 8 features simplify the concurrency operations.
Functional Programming:
- Embraces creating Immutable objects.
- More concise and readable code.
- Using functions/methods as first class citizens.
- Example: Function addSomeString = (name) -> name.toUpperCase().concat(“default”);
What is Lambda Expression?
- Lambda is just like a function (method) without a name.
- Lambda’s are also referred to as Anonymous functions.
- Method parameters
- Method Body
- Return Type
- Lambdas are not bound to any class like a normal method.
- Lambda can also be stored by variables and passed around.
- Syntax of the Lambda Expression: Lambda Expression: ( ) -> { }
- (): Lambda Body Input Parameter
- ->: Lambda Arrow
- { } : Lambda Body
Usages of Lambda
- Lambda is most importantly used to implement the Functional Interfaces(SAM).
- @FunctionalInterface public interface Comparator { int compare(T1 a1, T2 a2);
- @FunctionalInterface public interface Runnable { public abstract void run(); }
Let’s code our first Lambda!
- Implement Runnable using Lambda
- Lambda in Practice
- ( Things to keep in Mind) ( ) -> Single Statement or Expression; //curly braces are not needed.
- ( )-> { }; // curly braces are needed for multiple //statements
- @FunctionalInterface public interface Runnable { public abstract void run(); }
- Lambdas vs Legacy Java(until Java7)
- Legacy:
- Runnable run = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { System.out.println(“Inside Run 1”); } };
- Java 8:
- Runnable runLambda = () -> {System.out.println(“Inside Run 2”);};
Functional Interfaces
- Exists since Java 1.0
- Definition: A Functional Interface(SAM) is an interface that has exactly one abstract method.
- @FunctionalInterface: This annotation is introduced as part of the JDK 1.8.
- Optional annotation to signify an interface as Functional Interface.
New Functional Interfaces in Java8
- Consumer – IntConsumer, DoubleConsumer, LongConsumer
- Predicate – IntPredicate, BiPredicate, LongPredicate
- Function – IntFunction, DoubleFunction, LongFunction,IntToDoubleFunction, IntoLongFunction,DoubletoIntFunction, DoubletoLongFunction,LongtoIntFunction, LongtoDoubleFunction,ToIntFunction, ToDoubleFunction,ToLongFunction
- Supplier – IntSupplier, LongSupplier, DoubleSupplier, BooleanSupplier
Method Reference
- Introduced as part of Java 8 and its purpose is to simplify the implementation of Functional Interfaces.
- Shortcut for writing the Lambda Expressions.
- Refer a method in a class
Syntax of Method Reference
- ClassName::instance-methodName
- ClassName::static-methodName
- Instance::methodName
Where to use Method Reference?
- Lambda expressions referring to a method directly.
- Using Lambda: Function toUpperCaseLambda = (s)->s.toUpperCase();
- Using Method Reference:
- Function toUpperCaseMethodRefernce = String::toUpperCase;
Where Method Reference is not Applicable ?
- Example: Predicate predicateUsingLambda = (s) -> s.getGradeLevel()>=3;
- Constructor Reference
- Introduced as part of Java 1.8
- Syntax: Classname::new
- Example:
- Supplier studentSupplier = Student::new;
- Invalid: Student student = Student::new; // compilation issue
Lambdas and Local Variables
- What is a Local variable ?
- Variables that are declared inside a method are called local variables.
- Lambda Functions have some restrictions on using the local variables:
- Not allowed to use the same local variable name as lambda parameters or inside the lambda body.
- Not allowed to re-assign a value to a local variable.
- No restrictions on instance variables.
Introduction to Streams API:
- Introduced as part of Java8
- Main purpose is to perform some operations on Collections.
- Parallel operations are easy to perform with Streams API without having to spawn multiple threads.
- Streams API can be also used with arrays or any kind of I/O.
What is a Stream ?
- Stream is a sequence of elements which can be created out of a collections such as List or Arrays or any kind of I/O resources and etc.,
- List names = Arrays.asList(“adam”,”dan”,”jenny”); names.stream(); // creates a stream
- Stream operations can be performed either sequentially or parallel. Names.
- parallelStream(); // creates a parallel stream
Collections and Streams
- Collections
- Can add or modify elements at any point of time.
- For Example: List -> list.add()
- Elements in the collection can be accessed in any order. Use appropriate methods based on the collection. For Example: List -> list.get(4);
- Collection is eagerly constructed.
- Collections can be traversed “n” number of times.
- Collections operate External Iteration to iterate through the elements.
- Streams
- Cannot add or modify elements in the stream. It is a fixed data set.
- Elements in the Stream can be accessed only in sequence.
- Streams are lazily constructed.
- Streams can be traversed only once.
- Streams operate Internal Iteration to iterate through the elements.