24 June 2016
As we all know that testflightapp.com will shutdown on 02/26/2015 so we have to move all our team’s contact information to itunesconnect.apple.com so please follow mentioned steps below:
- Steps for TestFlightapp.com
- Sign in to the TestFlight Dashboard at testflightapp.com
- Choose your team from the list teams from right-top corner dropdown.
- Navigate to the “People” tab which shows the list of teammates
- Select the teammates you would like to export for adding them to iTunesConnect
- Open the “Actions” menu on the right side of the teammates list and click on “Export Contact Info” to download the exported CSV file.
- Save the export in the some folder in your system.
- Step for iTunesConnect
- Sign in to iTunes Connect at itunesconnect.apple.com
- Click “My Apps”
- Create your new app and fill in all details, choose bundle Id from drop down and click on create.
- Enter the “Prerelease” tab and select “External Testers” and Click the plus sign to add new external testers.
- Use the “Import File” from the “Add New External Testers” page to upload the exported CSV file.
- After completion of importing the list, it will be shown as below.