
Artificial Intelligence in QA Services

With the arrival of AI, a lot has been changed in software testing. Learn through this blog how AI has advanced the software testing sector.

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Playwright – Cucumber – Typescript Setup

Explore the Playwright framework, an open-source browser automation tool by Microsoft, enabling cross-browser testing and task automation. Discover Cucumber, an open-source BDD framework for writing executable specifications in natural language. Learn to set up Playwright-Cucumber with TypeScript, creating efficient automation scripts. Uncover the advantages of Playwright for cross-browser testing and CI/CD integration, along with its challenges like maintenance and flakiness. Streamline your testing process with Playwright’s versatility and simplicity, boosting testing efficiency and code quality.

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Everything You Need to Know About Dynamic Security Testing: Importance, Categories, Who Needs It, and Tools

Security testing is the practice of locating and eliminating security flaws in a system. It’s also known as penetration testing, black-box testing, and white-box testing.

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Configure test cases according to the different environments in NightwatchJS

Selenium is a mostly used tool for browser testing. Being an open-source framework allowed Selenium to be compatible with multiple test automation frameworks for programming languages

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Automation Testing

Automation testing is a type of testing technique that uses some special testing software tools to execute a bunch of test cases. Read more about Automation Testing

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Essential Factors To Consider While Mobile App Testing

Apps for mobile devices have become the primary means of providing services for most organizations nowadays. Numerous businesses have invested substantially in developing business applications to captivate their digital clients.

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Dynamic Application Security Testing

DAST (dynamic application security testing) is a form of black-box security testing in which an application is attacked from the outside. When a program is running, It is executed when a program is in operation.

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Major Steps to perform for Security Testing and its need for web application

The software industry has a huge presence in almost every industry. Most companies use IT solutions and web-based systems to manage and maintain their business.

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Importance of Mobile Automation Testing

Software testing is one of the main processes involved in mobile application development, where every mobile app developed is tested for various app features.

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Mobile App Testing Guidelines

Today, mobile applications became a primary business enabler for all industries across domains. These mobile apps are primarily used by users to perform various tasks such as online shopping, reading e-books, ticket booking, medicine orders, insurance payments, etc.

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Software Testing Process

There are the following development methodologies Agile, Waterfall, Scrum, V-Model. Know more about the Software Testing

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Quality Assurance & RPA Makes Your Business Successful

Robots have appeared in science fiction for decades. Who can forget Star Trek or the iconic figures of C3PO and R2D2 Star Wars?. Read more

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IDE automation: Record and Play web actions

Automation is a testing technique, which executes the test suites based on the requirement. It involves entering test data into the system, comparing the actual and expected results, and generating a detailed report of execution.

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API Testing using Karate Framework

API stands for Application Programming Interface. API is a software intermediary through which communication between applications is done. Read more.

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JMeter as Performance Testing tool for websites using Google Authentication as login

Apache JMeter is open-source software designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance. It can be used to test performance both on static and dynamic resources.

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Scriptless Test Automation: Transforming Software Testing

In recent years, there have been several changes in the world of technology. An equivalent has happened within the software testing world where Test Automation has evolved to facilitate rapid software releases at the very best quality.

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Revamp Quality Assurance: QA to QE

Difference between QA and QE? Quality Assurance “assures” quality of the product, but quality engineering drives the development of quality products and processes.

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Tools/Code used for Regression Testing

What is Regression Testing? Regression is a type of testing to verify that a recent program or code change has not adversely affected existing features.

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Website Testing Guide: How to Test a Website?

What is Web Testing? Testing the application for finding the potential bugs before it’s going to live and accessible to the public. Read more about the website testing.

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Reusability hacks in test automation development: A multidimensional view

This article speaks about reusability hacks that your team can use during test automation development from several perspectives. To start, the team needs to choose an automation tool wisely to achieve reusability goals. The team needs to follow the pursuit of reusability and always ask themselves, “Why reinvent the wheel?”

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Quick overview of Database Testing

Database testing includes performance checks related to the database, validating the data in the database, testing the procedures, data integration testing, procedures testing in the database etc. Read the blog to know why do we need to perform database testing or to know the database testing types and the steps involved in database testing.

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How to create and execute test cases using Zephyr in JIRA?

Zephyr for JIRA brings quality test management capabilities to any JIRA project. When Zephyr is used with JIRA, the test cases can be created inside Jira, and executed whenever required, or as part of a test cycle. Detailed test metrics can also be viewed and tracked. Read the blog to know more about it.

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What are the real difficulties while testing EDI based applications?

EDI is nothing but the computer to computer swapping of business documents in the electronic format in between the partners without any need of human involvement. EDI allows you to swap multiple documents like purchase orders, invoices and many more.Read the blog to know more.

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STLC – Software Testing Life Cycle Phases and its Criterias

Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) is defined as a set of activities which is executed in a systematic manner to achieve the testing goal. Each of these stages has an Entry and Exit criteria associated with it. Know more about these criterias by reading the blog.

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Testing Challenges with BLE devices

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is a low power wireless communication technology that can be used over a short distance that enables smart devices to communicate. Read the blog to know more about challenges faced while testing, the resolution, and about QA best practices.

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Blockchain Application Testing

Blockchain is a technology in which a series of unchangeable records of data is available which is shared across a network of computers. The record is very difficult to change after it has been added to the chain. Read the blog to know more about what kind of testing can be done with Blockchain applications

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Importance of Serialization in Transactional Data

Ideally, transactions should be serializable. Transactions are said to be serializable if the results of running transactions simultaneously are the same as the result of running them serially i.e., running them one after the other. Read our blog to know more.

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Showcase of support and maintenance services

Support and maintenance are two strong pillars of the success of any inventive campaign/ project. Maintenance of computer code comes as a very important innovation in computer code engineering. However, the maintenance of software comes with several challenges. Read the blog to know more.

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Why and How To Create A Front-End Testing Plan?

Frontend testing is always performed on the GUI checking the functionality as per the requirement. The tester must be knowledgeable about the business requirements. It is important to check the overall functionality of the application

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State Transition Testing and its Cases

State Transition testing is a black box software testing technique in which the Changes in input conditions cause state changes in the Application under Test (AUT). Read our blog and know more about it.

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What is Tsung and how to use it?

Tsung (formerly IDX-Tsunami) is a tool for checking distributed loads. It is protocol independent and can be used to monitor servers such as Ftp, WebDAV, SOAP, PostgreSQL, MySQL, AMQP, MQTT, LDAP, and Jabber / XMPP. Read the blog and know about how to use it.

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What is Cross-browser Testing?

Cross-browser testing is ensuring the compatibility of the application with different web browsers and also checks whether the application is working as expected with the web browsers. Read the blog and know more about it.

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How to get started with SortSite?

SortSite is a website testing tool, used to scan the entire website for tracing the quality issues which includes browser compatibility, accessibility, legal compliance, broken links, usability, search engine optimization and web standards. Know more about it by reading the blog.

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How to get started with Xamarin.UI test for Android?

Xamarin.UI test is a testing framework that is used to perform automation testing on both iOS and Android applications. Read our blog and understand What do we need to get started with the Xamarin.UI test and How to start testing the Project with the Xamarin.UI test.

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How to integrate automated test cases using SauceLabs Cloud network?

Testing is to ensure that the website is capable of performing once it is live. To check the compatibility of software applications, the industry uses cloud testing as a process of software testing in which web applications uses cloud environments or cloud servers to check their factors with real user traffic. Read our blog and know more about what is Saucelabs and how to integrate automated test cases?

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How To Run iOS UI Tests In Parallel Using Bluepill Tool

Bluepill is a reliable iOS testing tool created by LinkedIn that runs iOS UI tests in parallel using multiple simulators. Read our blog to understand its features and know how to use Bluepill.

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What is Azure DevOps? Learn how to start using Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps is a Project management tool to manage the development of a project and learn how to create an Epic of a project and how to create a Product Backlog. Read the blog and learn What is Azure DevOps? Learn how to start using Azure DevOps and what are the uses of Azure DevOps for the development of software.

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Automate the API testing using Postman

Getting ready to release a product and not sure about how to conduct regression testing for APIs? This blog is for you. It has a basic outline of the terminologies used in this blog and explained briefly about how to automate the API testing using Postman. Read our blog and get your answers now.

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How to test streaming apps on Roku TV?

Testing Roku channels are fun in their own way, either it is a streaming channel or a game channel. This blog will be useful for all the budding and growing testers who are willing to dive into testing this super awesome streaming device.

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Cypress- How It Is Different Than Selenium

The Cypress is an open-source, front-end development framework used by developers and QAs for end-to-end testing, integration testing, and unit testing, while Selenium is an open-source tool used mostly for test automation. Read our blog to understand the pros and cons of Selenium and Cypress and how are they different.

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Mailinator: A gmail template testing tool

Mailinator is an open email administration. It is a site that acknowledges messages completely at any location @mailinator.com. Any email one can consider @mailinator.com is made when an email shows up! Read our blog and know-how the Mailinator site : A Gmail testing tool, lets people read any of those messages.

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Process of Using Crashlytics

When your app crashes on the production environment on a user’s device, you need to know. The reason behind the crash is simple – something happened that you did not expect.

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How To Execute Test Cases in Testrail

TestRail is a Web-based test case management tool used to write the test cases. It is efficient to manage the test cases, test plans and Test Runs

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Sign Off & Conditional Sign Off

The main aim of a QA is to make sure that the software meets the customer’s needs without harming the application. The formal way of declaring this process is Sign Off. The QA can acknowledge that they have reviewed and tested the application and now the application is ready to release.

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A/B Testing with Google Optimize

A/B testing is important for a website to identify the marketing trends based on user perspective using two variants of the same webpage…

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Travis – Continuous Integration

Hello beautiful people, I hope you have heard about CI/CD tools. There are many tools available in the market to help flawlessly build your application such as Travis,…

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Resolving 4 Major Problems in Bug Tracking Tools

Looking for a strategy that ensures quality software release? Well, the software development process is incomplete without bug tracking tools…

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How to create a test framework for AngularJS applications using Protractor (Jasmine)

AngularJS application framework is gaining in the market because it extends the functionality of HTML and can be used to load applications quickly…

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How to setup KIF for UI testing?

KIF stands for Keep It Functional. It is an iOS integration test framework which is used for UI testing of iOS mobile apps…

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Bug Tracking in EasyQA Test Management Tool

Bug tracking helps our software team to catch, record and manage each issue in our software product. Bug tracking process is divided into multiple stages starting with finding the bug then reporting, fixing the bug and finally testing to make sure it is fixed.

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How to Write Test Cases using C# and VS Tool?

This blog walks you through introduction to unit testing as well as How to Write Test Cases using C# and VS Tool. Click here!

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How to Test The Geofencing Application?

A Geofence is a virtual fence set on a real geographical area. This feature uses the Global Positioning System (GPS), Radio-frequency Identification (RFID), WI-Fi or Cellular data to define geographical boundaries…

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Introduction to Performance Testing and Its Types

Performance testing is process of determining speed of a software program under a workload. Start your journey in Performance Testing by reading further.

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4 Tips to Make Your Banking App Crash-Proof!

Testers are even scared to envision a scenario where a bank app crashes and worst of all if there is a security breach. Deloitte suggests that cyber risk is the topmost concern of the majority of financial services risk managers.

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How to Do Load Testing Using Selenium & JMeter?

JMeter is an effective tool for load testing. Get here a step by step guide for How to do load testing using JMeter and Selenium Webdriver tool.

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How to Do Video Compression & Windows AV Editing?

There are a lot of areas, where we need to the fastest way to perform video editing. At Tudip, our Test Engineering division usually creates a movie of issues they find in applications. These movies are then uploaded to issue reporting system like Jira and other.

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Best Cloud Based Test Management Tools

Why testing in the cloud becomes more and more popular? Can we not only provide testing activities but also manage the testing process at different stages using cloud-based tools? You will find answers to these and other questions here. The advantages of the best cloud-based test management tools will be considered in this article.

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Automation Testing and Selenium

Automation is important and Automation Testing and Selenium pretty much go hand in hand. Here is how you get started with Selenium for simple automation.

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Install and Configure Karma Test Runner

Karma is the most popular test runner but how do you Install and configure Karma test runner? This article explains Karma configuration and basic settings.

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TestRail – Test Case management software

Introducing TestRail – Test Case management software as TestRail emerges as the defacto cloud-based test case management tool. Find out finer details here.

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