Top 7 Java Technology Trends For 2021

Top 7 Java Technology Trends For 2021

Gen Z and the Gen alphas think Java is older than stones, and we also feel the same about Java. Java was introduced by Sun Microsystems (which is now occupied by oracle).

Java 8 Features

Java 8 Features

Why Java 8? Most popular and widely accepted language in the world. Java wanted to introduce features such as a) Lambdas b) Streams c) Optional and etc.

Introduction to Apache Kafka


With evolving time, Kafka lets you needlessly store absurd measures of information, have a message transport with immense throughput (millions/sec) and utilize real-time stream handling on the information that experiences it at the same time. Read the blog to know more about Kafka.

What are Lambda expressions and how to use them in java?


Lambda expressions are used to define the implementation of a functional interface i.e. an interface that has only one abstract method, in a single statement. Read the blog and know more about, what are Lambda expressions and how to use them in java?

Espresso Idling Resources

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When we are handling the application we need to wait for the application response and animations. In our blog, we have explained the term Espresso Idling Resources with the reasoning of how, why and where do we use this is explained in detail.

Getting started with Spring Cloud

Spring Cloud provides an efficient way for developers to quickly build a number of the common patterns in distributed systems. The interaction between distributed systems leads to boilerplate patterns.

How to Create Custom Annotation in Java and Android

How to Create Custom Annotation in Java and Android

Annotations are one of the small and simple functionalities of the Android/Java development, yet for the majority of developers, it is not clear or they never understand the functionality and usability of the Annotations…

KnockoutJS: Build Dynamic Client Side Application

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KnockoutJS is a JavaScript library that allow you to create dynamic and rich web applications. It makes it very simple to enact a complicated UI that responds to user interactions. It offers observables to sync UI with its data model along with set of declarative bindings. It is built with the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern.

A glimpse of Adobe Experience Manager

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Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) is a Java-based Content Management platform technology which is part of Adobe’s Digital Marketing Cloud service. It enables the user to create its own website

RESTful with Jersey

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REST stands for Representational State Transfer. It’s a key idiom that embraces a stateless client-server architecture in which the web services are viewed as resources and can be identified by their URLs…