What is a Cloud Router and why do we need to use Cloud Router?



01 May 2020


The purpose of Cloud Router is to dynamically exchange the routes between two Virtual Private Cloud Networks or Virtual Private Cloud Network and on-premises networks. Cloud Router uses “Border Gateway Protocol” to exchange routing information between the networks.

Network topology changes in Virtual Private Cloud Network automatically propagate to its peer network and vice versa by using BGP so that the users don’t need to configure static routes manually each time whenever there is a modification in the network.

Why do we need to use Cloud Router?

Without a Cloud Router, the VPN can be configured only using static routes. In the static routes, we need to specify each subnet in the VPN tunnel configuration which we want to connect. This can be used only in a small network with stable topologies.

The main disadvantages of using static routes are as follows:

  • Need to create and maintain a routing table.
  • Need to create and delete routes manually whenever there is a change in the configuration of either side of the network.
  • If a link fails, it can’t reroute the traffic automatically or create a new link for the failed one.

To avoid all these overheads, dynamic routing is recommended and here comes the Cloud Router.

Functioning of dynamic routing

Cloud Router is the core component of dynamic routing. To configure a Cloud Router, a unique ASN and BGP IP address is required. This BGP is responsible for exchanging the route information dynamically between the networks. Networks automatically discover topology changes through BGP. Changes are implemented without disrupting traffic.

Benefits of dynamic routing

  • No need to maintain a route table and it is suitable for any size network.
  • It automatically reroutes traffic if a link fails.
  • Network topology changes in either of the networks are automatically discovered.

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