15 May 2020
Azure DevOps is a Project management tool to manage the development of a project. It is used for the following purpose for the development of software:
- Project Management tool:
- Azure DevOps is used as a project management tool to keep track of the progress of development of a software
- Built-in wiki to store and share the details of the project with the team
- Source Control tool:
- Azure DevOps is used as collaborative software development
- Git repositories for source control of the development code
- Build and Deployment:
- Azure DevOps is used for managing multiple releases cycle of a project
Registration and creating teams
Creation of a Project in Azure DevOps
- We can have multiple projects and handle them with a single login
- Set the value of version control as Git (This is for the purpose of developers)
- Set the value of version control as Scrum (This is for the purpose of the analysts and for managing multiple releases)
Add members to the projects
- Add a particular person’s email address or a group while creating a project
- The mentioned people would be notified on their emails
- We can review the team members and we can add more team members in the settings
- We can manage the access and the roles, like project administrators, build admins, contributors, stakeholders
- We can create multiple teams and assign other members to it with their respective roles
- We can manage permission and accessibilities for each role
Project configuration
- Here we manage multiple releases of a project
- One must be a member of the Project Administration group to access project configuration
- Steps to be followed for project configuration:
- Step 1: Click on the “Project configuration”
- Step 2: Click on “Sprint”
- Step 3: Create your own iteration (Example: TV2Consulting project)
- Step 4: Set the start date and End date
- We can create multiple sprints for one project
- Step 5: Click on “New child”
- Step 6: Assign a name to it (Sprint 2)
- We can create a number of iterations
- When we gather some requirements and put it in one folder, we follow the same understanding for Areas in VSTS
- Steps to be followed to create “Area”:
- Step 1: Click on “Team Configurations”
- Step 2: Click on “Create Area” for each team
- Step 3: Click on “Iterations” and make it available them for the teams
- Conditions to make an iteration available:
- Go to settings
- Assign respective names to each iteration
- Select all iterations that the team needs
- Understanding the relations between each element and their validations:
- Epic:
- Valid for multiple releases
- Feature:
- Valid for multiple sprints
- User story
- One sprint
- Tasks:
- Valid for one member
- Epic:
- It is always a good habit to add acronyms for good and easy search result
- Use the same acronym for all the features, Product backlogs, and tasks for good business handle
- The senior BA or the team members assigned with Project administrator have access to create Epics
How to create an Epic of a project:
- Step 1: Click on “Work Items”
- Step 2: Click on “New Work Item”
- Step 3: Select “Epic” from the drop-down
- Step 4: Click on “Title”
- It is a good habit to mention an abbreviation while creating a task.
- Example: TALA: Elastic search
- Step 5: Click on “Assigned to”
- Select the team member from the drop-down menu and the Epic would be assigned to that team member
- Step 6: Click on “Tags”
- Tags are used for easier search using one keyword
- We can create tags while creating an Epic
- Step 7: Click on “Area”
- We can assign a project name under “Area”
- Step 8: Click on “Iteration path”:
- We can assign the sprint to an Epic
- Step 9: Click on “Description”:
- We can write details of the Epic
- This would be an optional field, so if not necessary we can leave it as it is
- Step 10: Click on “Acceptance Criteria”
- We can mention a necessary condition of the Epic that need to acknowledge other team members
- Example: “Make sure all requirements are completed”.
- Step 11: Click on “Discussion”
- We can tag members under the tags and the team members would be notified using (@), they will receive an email.
- Example: @patrick, please check this out.
- Step 12: Fill all necessary fields under “Details”:
- Priority: Priority of the Epic
- Efforts: Efforts need to complete the architecture under the Epic
- Business values: mention the value area for that Epic
- Time Criticality: Deadline of the Epic to complete
- Step 13: After filling all the fields we can click on the “Save” button
Path to move to an Epic:
Board -> Backlogs -> Drop-down -> Backlog item -> Select one Epic
To split an Epic into features:
- Step 1: Click on plus (+) icon beside Epic on the board
- Only Project Admins and Collaborators can split an Epic into features, no other role has the access to split an Epic
- Projects created with the Team Configuration as “Scrum” can only view the Epics and create features for the Epics
How to create a Feature:
- Step 1: Click on ‘Boards’
- Step 2: Click on the drop-down “Epic”
- Step 3: Select the item “Feature”
- Step 4: Fill all fields with valid information
- Title:
- Provide the title of the feature, recommended to write the abbreviation in the beginning
- Area path and Iteration path:
- The Area Path and Iteration path would be the same as the Epic, we can change it accordingly
- Description:
- Mention all associated details of the feature
- Acceptance Criteria:
- Mention the condition, if any, under this field
- Example: Tag one member, we can mention the details of the Epic it is related to
- Details:
- The field is not mandatory for creating a feature, depending on the organization
- Effort:
- Total time of the user stories, under the feature would be the effort of the feature
- Time Criticality:
- The defined duration required to complete the work
- Business Values:
- The business values can differ depending on the organizations
- It can be “Business”, “Architecture”.
- Note:
- We can create multiple features for each Epic
- Requirements that we can complete in one sprint should be created as features
- Click on the plus icon beside each feature from the board
- We can create a PBI or a Bug for a feature
- Title:
Product Backlog
- Product backlogs are the user stories of a project
- Product backlogs would be the requirements that we can complete in one sprint
- We can create multiple tasks for one Product Backlog
- We can use the same acronym used in the Epic, to the title of the product backlog (Recommended to use a common acronym throughout the flow for easy search)
- We can provide a description and other details depending on the organization
How to create a Product Backlog:
- Step 1: Click on “+” sign beside the features on the board
- Step 2: Tags:
- Add tags to the product backlogs
- Step 3: Follow:
- Team members can click on “Follow” so that they will receive all updates for all changes occur in the product backlogs
- Step 4: Attachments:
- We can attach any document associated with the product backlog
- Step 5: History:
- We can view the History of the actions performed on the Product Backlog from the creation of the product backlog
- Step 6: Title:
- Provide the title of the product backlog, recommended to write the abbreviation in the beginning
- Step 7: Area path and Iteration path:
- The Area Path and Iteration path would be the same as the Feature, we can change it accordingly
- Step 8: Description:
- Mention all associated details of the product backlogs
- Step 9: Acceptance Criteria:
- Mention the condition, if any, under this field
- Example: Tag one member, we can mention the details of the Epic it is related to
- Step 10: Details:
- The field is not mandatory for creating a product backlog, depending on the organization
- Step 11: Effort:
- Total time of the user stories, under the product backlog would be the effort of the feature
- Step 12: Time Criticality:
- The defined duration required to complete the work
- Step 13: Business Values:
- The business values can differ depending on the organizations
- It can be “Business”, “Architecture”.
How to create a Task:
- Title:
- The title of the task should contain a brief understanding of the task
- Assigned To:
- Here we need to assign the developer’s name
- State:
- When a task has created the state of the task will be “New”
- When a developer picks a task, the state will be “In Progress”
- When a developer completes the task, the state needs to be updated to “Resolved”
- The developer needs to assign the task to QA to testing and then the QA will update the task to “Done”
- Area:
- Project name on which the developers are working (for eg. Main\OTT, Main\OTT Monitoring, and Diagnostics)
- Iteration path:
- In this field, we can mention the sprint name.
- Description:
- The detailed information of the task needs to be provided in this section
- Remaining work:
- The remaining work hour should be the same as the original estimate hours while the task is created
- When the developer completes the task, the remaining work hour should be 0
- Original Estimate:
- The estimated duration of the task needs be mentioned here, the minimum duration can be 1 hour and the maximum duration can be provided as 18 hours
- Efforts:
- When a developer starts working on a task, the developer needs to update the efforts
- Dev Testing:
- The developer needs to mention the hours spent in dev testing of the task
- Platform:
- While the task is created, the platform to which the task belongs to needs to be mentioned
- Dev Testing Steps:
- When the developer updates the task to the “Resolved” state, the developer needs to explain the Dev Testing steps.
Miscellaneous features of the User stories
Follow a User Story
- We can tag team members of the project to notify them and keep them updated with the actions performed on the task.
- The tagged team members would be notified via emails
Attachments/ Documents
- We can attach the associated documents to the tasks
- We can attach files to the tasks
- We can track the activities performed on each task
- We can know the changes performed on each field along the details of the responsible team member