Easy way to setup your AWS EC2 Instance

13 October 2021

What is EC2 Instance?

  • It is a Computing resource that provides a virtual computing environment to deploy your application
  • In short, you can create a server on AWS and deploy your application on that server.

Why Use Amazon EC2?

  • No need for H/W, Develop and deploy the application faster.
  • Pay only for that you use
  • Auto scaling as per the workload.
  • Complete control of servers
  • Built-in security

EC2 Instance Types

  • General Purpose EC2 Instance
    • This type of instance is the most commonly utilised for testing. There are two types of general-purpose instances: “T” and “M.”
    • “T” instances are targeted to simple jobs just like testing environments, and they have a modest networking on the most basic options.
    • “M” Instances are for general use when you don’t want a testing environment, but you want an all-purpose instance. They offer more balanced resources compared to “T” instance
  • Compute Optimized
    • If your application requires to process a lot of information like math operations, load balancing, rendering task or sometimes video encoding
    • You need an instance that can process all that information in less time
  • Memory Optimized
    • If your app doesn’t require too much CPU, but instead, it needs more and faster RAM; you should check out the available option on the “X1e, X1 and R” instances.
  • Accelerated Computing
    • Creating a movie and need to render the textures? Need to design with power? Or you just have money to spend and want to play games on streaming?
  • Storage Optimized
    • This Kind of instances are provisioned with a more significant amount of TB for storage
    • You are going to have the best I/O Performance. These instances are a great option for those databases that need to be writing regularly on the disk, here we have three groups of instances: H, I and D.

Creating an EC2 instance

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console.
  2. Click on the EC2 service.
  3. Click on the Launch Instance button to create a new instance.
    Easy way to setup your AWS EC2 Instance
  4. Choose AMI: (Amazon Machine Image) AMI is a template used to create the EC2 instance.
    Easy way to setup your AWS EC2 Instance
  5. Choose Instance Type and then click on the Next. Suppose I choose a t2.micro as an instance type for testing purpose
    Easy way to setup your AWS EC2 Instance
  6. The main setup page of EC2 is shown below where we define setup configuration
    Easy way to setup your AWS EC2 Instance
  7. Never leave the default 8gb, if you want to be on the free tier limits you can set a value around 20gb -24gb, because sometimes you leave it as default and your instance is not going to have too many spaces to do many things, and click next
    Easy way to setup your AWS EC2 Instance
  8. Now, Add the Tags and then click on the Next.
    Easy way to setup your AWS EC2 Instance
  9. Configure Security Group. The security group allows some specific traffic to access your instance. i.e. If you want to have a web server you need to open port 80. If you want ssh access you need port 22, so let’s create a new one.
    Easy way to setup your AWS EC2 Instance
  10. Review an EC2 instance that you have just configured, and then click on the Launch button.
    Easy way to setup your AWS EC2 Instance
  11. Create a new key pair and enter the name of the key pair. Download the Key pair.
    Easy way to setup your AWS EC2 Instance
  12. Click on the Launch Instances button.
    Easy way to setup your AWS EC2 Instance


Tudip Technologies

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